Victoire de Castellane is a French aristocratic and jewellery designer who lives and works in Paris.
She started her career alongside Karl Lagerfeld at Chanel but Since 1998, she has worked as creative director of Christian Dior’s jewelry division.
Victoire is a real genious she's started to mixing semi precious stones with lacquer, gold and diamonds, everything in beautiful colour like candy pink, carribean blue, yellow and green. Her bigger inspirations is nature- beautiful garden or wild joungle she's love to design stunning extra large rings and necklases.
Victoire de Castellane jest francuzką projektantką biżuterii zamieszkującą w Paryżu.
Jej kariera rozpoczeła się od pracy dla domu mody Chanel jednak po 14 latach współpracy z Karlem Langerfeldem opuściła marke dla Diora i od 1998 roku jest dyrektorem kreatywnym biżuterii.
Jej kolekcje dla Dior Joaillerie wyglądają jak baśniowe klejnoty Victoire nie boi się łączyć diamentów z kamieniami półszlachetnymi, złota z kolorową emailą a wszystko to w pięknych nasyconych kolorach: różu, błękitnym, żółci , nasyconej zieleni. Inspirują ją dosłownie wszystko począwszy od angielskich ogrodów, dzikich dżungli i motyli po japońskie zabawki.
Uważa że każda kobieta powinna mieć kilka pierścionków i bransolet ponieważ najlepiej podkreślają kobiece gesty.
From ELLE:
Other than yourself, who is your favorite designer? Azzedine Alaïa.
If you could come back as a dress, what would it be? Marilyn Monroe's dress at JFK's birthday.
If you could come back as a model, who would you be? Stephanie Seymour.
Junk food? Bassett's licorice allsorts.
What are you most vain about? Being a girl.
If you could have somebody else's body, whose would it be? Lisa Marie Smith's.
Fantasy celebrity one-night stand? Stephanie Seymour.
Favorite place to have a drink? I never drink.
Underwear? Fifi Chachnil.
What can't you travel without? My husband
Last book you read? Alaïa's winter lookbook.
Any pets? No pets, only children: three boys, named Stanislas, Boniface, and Jules Victor, and a little girl, Zoé.
What's for breakfast? Fruit, coffee, and biscuits.
At age seven, you wanted to be... A psychoanalyst or a surgeon.
What's the thing you find easiest to forgive? Things made with love.
What's the thing you find impossible to forgive? Things made with hate.
Biggest self-indulgence? Chocolate, Alaïa's dresses, high-heel shoes, and cowboy boots.
Favorite place to shop? The land of Internet.
Whose diary would you most like to read? I would be ashamed to read someone else's diary.
Least favorite food? Italian.
Favorite furniture designers? Marc du Plantier and Tony Duquette.
Car? Penelope Pitstop's.
Funniest fashion moment? My 14 years at Chanel.
Favorite fashion term? Waow!
Always in your closet? Environmentally friendly moth repellent.
Hobbies? Dreaming.
Hero? Wonder Woman.
What was your childhood nickname? Vicky.
Who is your worst enemy? Sometimes myself.
What piece of art would you most like to own? A Picasso.
Favorite vacation spot? Italy and a lot of places in the Mediterranean.
Favorite fictional character? Vampirella.
Favorite musicians? Frank Sinatra, Madonna
, and Debbie Harry.
What's your biggest fashion regret? No regrets. I have tried everything.
Favorite trend of all time? Platform shoes.
Worst trend of all time? Wide shoulders.
Always... Wear opaque, brightly colored tights to downplay a sexy dress.
Never... Wear earrings with prescription glasses.
Which one is your favourite ?